How To Have Eclectic Maximalism In Your Home

How To Have Eclectic Maximalism In Your Home

Eclectic maximalism decor is a decorating style that combines a wide variety of decorative elements, colors, and patterns to create a bold and visually striking interior. Eclecticism maximalism, which at first glance suggests that quite crowded living spaces are created, actually allows all these elements to take place together in harmony.

Due to the increasing interest in eclectic maximalism in recent years, many people wonder how to adapt this decoration style to their living spaces. Although it may initially seem complicated, making eclectic maximalism decor is not that difficult. But of course, this does not mean that all available materials should be thrown together in a complex way and thrown into the living room.

In our article we prepared as Doğtaş, the leading brand of the Turkish furniture sector, we will explain how you can achieve eclectic maximalism decor with your own means. In this way, you will be able to get a living room with eclectic maximalism decor with the additions you will make to the furniture you already have. Before answering the question of how to make eclectic maximalism decor, let's answer the question of what is eclectic maximalism.

What is Eclectic Maximalism?

orange corner sofa in eclectic maximalism decor
Eclectic maximalism is a design style that combines elements from a variety of different design styles and periods, and often includes a large number of decorative elements and accessories. It is characterized by a bold, exuberant, and varied use of color, pattern, and texture, and can be described as a mix of different styles and influences, including traditional, modern, and bohemian.

Eclectic maximalism is often associated with a more free-spirited, creative, and expressive approach to design, and can be a great way to add personality and character to a space. It is important to note that eclectic maximalism can be challenging to pull off, as it requires a strong sense of balance and coordination to create a cohesive and harmonious overall look.

6 Eclectic Maximalism Decor Ideas

room designed with different colors
We have learned what eclectic maximalism is, but what should we apply to create this decoration in our living spaces? Although it sounds difficult to adapt a decoration style that you don't know how to apply at first, don't worry! In our article, we will list the eclectic maximalism decor ideas for you. Thus, you will learn the points you need to pay attention to. Let's not drag the words any further and let's move on to the points to be considered when applying eclectic maximalism to living spaces.

1. Search for Inspiration

living room with gray decoration
Start by gathering inspiration for eclectic maximalism design. Look at pictures of eclectic maximalist interiors on the internet or in design magazines to get an idea of the style and understand what elements you might want to incorporate into your own home. In this way, you will learn exactly what form this style should take in your living spaces. Remember that if you want to adapt this style to your home, you have to be very careful because there is a fine line between clutter and elegance.

2. Combine Different Styles

room decorated with eclectic maximalism
Another point to be aware of is mixing and matching different styles. Remember, an important aspect of eclectic maximalism is the combination of different styles, so don't be afraid to mix and match elements from different periods and cultures. In this way, you will take bold steps in decoration and you will be able to easily achieve harmony.

3. Pay Attention to the Colors

colorful cushions on top of sofa
One of the first things that come to mind when you think of eclectic maximalism is color. The colors of the walls and furniture in your living space are one of the most important elements that define its identity. Make a difference by adding pops of color. Bright, bold colors are an important part of the eclectic maximalist aesthetic, so don't be afraid to use a wide variety of shades in your home.

4. Don’t Hesitate to Use Different Materials

living room decorated in vintage style
Try creating a mix of furniture with different materials. Combining various materials such as wood, metal, and glass can add depth and interest to your eclectic maximalist space. The depth that these items will add is one of the most important factors for eclectic maximalism decor. Thus, the different layers you create in the space make those who see it curious and fascinated.

5. Mix Old and New

open kitchen with blue color
Don't be afraid to mix old and new pieces you own and buy. In this way, you will correctly implement eclectic maximalism, which has two important principles: matching and mixing. So don't be afraid to combine antique pieces with modern elements to create a unique and personal look.

6. Keep It Personal

image: eclectic-maximalist-living-room
Ultimately, the most important thing is that your home reflects your own personal style and interests, so don't be afraid to include elements that have personal meaning to you, whether it's a family heirloom or a piece of art you've collected on your travels. By including your personal belongings throughout your home, you can achieve integrity across your living space. In this way, you will both feel spiritually beautiful and apply one of the most beautiful examples of eclectic maximalism decor.

We have come to the end of our article in which we explained what eclectic maximalism decor is and listed 6 points to be considered. You can modernize your living spaces by considering the points we mentioned in our article. As we end our article, let us remind you that you can find all the products you need to apply eclectic maximalism to your homes, such as sofa sets, armchairs, and accessories, at Doğtaş.

Before forgetting, you can also read our article titled Cool and Chic: Gothic Living Room Ideas to get detailed information about gothic style decoration. We also recommend visiting our blog, which contains informative content on furniture and decoration.

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 29 Aralık 2022 Perşembe